Monday, November 01, 2010

The Beginning

Greetings fellow pilgrims.

Welcome to the "Pilgrim's Progress" community Blog. Here we will be sharing valuable lessons and insights to be gained from John Bunyan's timeless classic as well as his life. In addition I will be sharing some behind the scenes info. about what has been accomplished thus far to bring Bunyan's works into greater prominence.

In addition I'll be sharing practical insights from my own research into health, education, country living, spiritual matters and who knows what else.

Welcome aboard. We're off on a journey that will be unlike any other you've ever taken.
See you tomorrow.


Jim Pappas

P.S. If you're a dyed-in-the-wool inside-the-box thinker please be advised you that this may not be where you'll find your greatest satisfaction.

P.P.S. If you want to get a jump start on some completed "Pilgrim's Progress" you can begin exploring at .

What does "Amplified" mean?

A few comments about "The New Amplified Pilgrim's Progress" book and it's predecessor "The Dramatized Pilgrim's Progress."

I have often been asked about what "amplified" actually means. Well, we all know that an audio amplifier makes the sound source louder. In the same way my intent in reworking old masterpieces is to "make them sound louder." That is to say, easier to understand and enjoy. To that end there is added dialog, added action and once in awhile even an added scene.

I realize this is a bit sacrilegious to the purists who would not dare to tamper with a masterpiece or even read the tampering of another. But my thinking is that what I am offering is not merely the masterpiece simplified but rather a totally new creation based on the masterpiece. For those who feel uncomfortable with "amplifying" there are several simplified English versions of "The Pilgrim's Progress" available - most of them in paperback at a very reasonable price. I have to admit I have not been impressed.

What I hope to offer in my "amplifications" is the essence of the original in a newer and more exciting format that will bring the heart of the original works back to life. It is not my mission to change or correct the original so much as to make it interesting and readable. The ideal would be for a reader (or listener) to take my version and compare it side by side with the original. This would help acquaint the reader with the older English and help them see how it has been "amplified."

Well, enough for today. I've probably opened a can of worms with the purist community - but perhaps they are not the ones I can best serve.

The next few days may be a bit sparse as I'm going to be quite involved in painting/staining my house. Its a bit overdue I'm afraid.

Until next post,


Jim Pappas
Word Smith